Is there some special trick to chmoding and chowning in Linux-Mandrake? 
  The reason I ask is that I can't get either to work.  One partition of my 
hard disk, named "/common," is dedicated to files I would like all users to 
be able to share.  Unfortunately, its permissions are drwxr-xr-x.  I would 
prefer them to be drwxrwxrwx.  You'd think that "chmod 777 common" would 
take care of that.  When I use the chmod command, though, exactly nothing 

     I also have some files which I don't think it's necessary to be root to 
write to.  As it is, they belong to root, and since I can't chmod them, I 
have to be root to work with them.  Normally, I'd solve this with the chown 
command, but that doesn't work either.  When I try the chown command at 
least something happens however: I get an error message saying "Operation 
not permitted."  Apparently either chmod and chown are used differently in 
Linux than in Unix, or there is something wrong with my system.  Does 
anybody have any suggestions?  Thank You.  /Ian

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