I have a floppy which I use daily in a Solaris 7 environment.  When I 
try to use it in Linux-Mandrake it is usually mounted as "read-only," 
forcing me to copy the files to the hard disk before I can work with them.  
Then I have to copy them to another floppy, and copy them back to the 
original floppy using Solaris.  Occasionally the floppy mounts as read/write 
however, for no reason I can discern.  If I then make any changes to a file, 
instead of getting a changed file, I get a new file with the same name -- 
only in capital letters and with a tilde after the name.  Why does 
Linux-Mandrake create a new file with a tilde after the name.  Why does it 
change the name to capital letters.  Is there some way to get it to stop 
doing this?  Thank You.  /Ian

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