I have an FTP dir that I do the same with and here is the commands I 
use, as root:

chown -R nobody.users /FTP (or /common for you)

That makes it so that no one owns it and is thus usable by everyone.


chmod -R a+rwX just to be sure that everyone has read write and 
execute status for everything.  The capital X means that if it's 
already +x for anyone make it +x for all and if it's not +x for anyone 
don't add +x.  Keeps plain text files, or anything else, from suddenly 
becoming 'executable.'

Hope it helps


Ty Mixon
ICQ:    26147713

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 2/4/00, 1:56:50 PM, "Lothar Mandrake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
regarding [newbie] chmod/chown problems:

>      Is there some special trick to chmoding and chowning in 
>   The reason I ask is that I can't get either to work.  One partition 
of my
> hard disk, named "/common," is dedicated to files I would like all 
users to
> be able to share.  Unfortunately, its permissions are drwxr-xr-x.  I 
> prefer them to be drwxrwxrwx.  You'd think that "chmod 777 common" 
> take care of that.  When I use the chmod command, though, exactly 
> happens.

>      I also have some files which I don't think it's necessary to be 
root to
> write to.  As it is, they belong to root, and since I can't chmod 
them, I
> have to be root to work with them.  Normally, I'd solve this with the 
> command, but that doesn't work either.  When I try the chown command 
> least something happens however: I get an error message saying 
> not permitted."  Apparently either chmod and chown are used 
differently in
> Linux than in Unix, or there is something wrong with my system.  Does
> anybody have any suggestions?  Thank You.  /Ian

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