Diamond SpeedStar a50, is it supported by Linux Mandrake or not ???
I tried all possible configurations, and it doesn't worked!
What do I do now ???
Can anyone indicates me a really good video card ???
'Cause SpeedStar is really a big, big shit! I'm tired!
Anyone here has configured Linux with this "Someday-I'll-be-a-videocard" ???
I know that the chipset is SiS 6326... is this *#(%* supported ?
I'll be very pleased if anybody indicates a really cool videocard...
I'll buy it tomorrow! I need help.... urgent!
The problem: the text appears like black blocks.... I have the some problem with FreeBSD and the same card.... text appears like black blocks too... very, very strange... obs: different machines, different configurations...
I'm seeing that my videocard is going to be flushed out...
Need help...
Thank you!
Alvaro Beckerig <Brazil>

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