You wrote:

> ** Original Subject: RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0 Problem...
> ** Original Sender: Hex Ru Unholy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ** Original Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 16:59:48 EST

> ** Original Message follows... 

> Hello I recently downloaded mandrake 7.0 and installed it on my previous windows 98 
system and in mandrake when i am trying to install my modem it wont detect it and i 
from the FAQ's that the problem could be the fact that it is a pci winmodem.... my 
to you is is there any way around this problem? if not when i go to purchase another 
how can i tell if its not a winmodem??? i am really tired of windows in general and 
would like 
to fully change over to linux but until i can figure this problem i am unable to do 
what i would 
like to be doing on linux please help me in any way possible... thank you for your 
> Dario Goddin
> Valued Linux User
> What are you N2?  Choose from 150 free e-mail addresses.

>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **


I had the same problem .. how I solved it was with an
EXTERNAL modem (one that plugs into a com port)

I believe any external model would work (I believe that
WinModems are all internal) .. but I may be wrong, perhaps
someone else has additional info on this


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