Cristi Andronic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had a succesfull installation of Mandrake 6.0 but
> KDE runs very slow. It takes 5 min to update each
> screen, the mouse moves very slow (jumps)and all these
> symptoms act like there is a huge processing queue (my
> HD is kranking all the time).
> I have a P133/16MB RAM, 500Mb Native and 50Mb Swap
> area.
> I really appreciate any suggestion.
I think your system might be a little light to be running X, especially with
something like KDE.  Add another 32 meg fr Ram, increase swap to about 100
meg, and you'll notice a significant increase in performance.  Or you might
drop KDE and try running a lighter desktop environment like Afterstep

Michael Scottaline
Linux 2.2.13

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