I think what would really rock is if when an app crashed it would 
run a small app triggered by the main app's segfault that
would take up a bugreport and send it automatically via either
e mail or remote ftp per the user's request, making bug reports

On Tue, 08 Feb 2000, Mark Sheppard mewed:
> I have never had MS IE5 crash...
> 4.1 did quite a bit, but not near as much as NS.
> I can deal with an occasional crash if the browser will display pages how
> they were meant to be seen.
> and let me customize how I want things to display.
> zach
> > I am growing more nauseous with each message I read in this thread. These
> > M$ apps are so crash-prone it isn't even funny. Running them on linux is
> > like running away from a terrible marriage only to keep having three-night
> > trysts every week with her. :-)
> >
> > At least under linux you can guarantee that the app-fault-of-the-hour
> won't
> > happen to spread to the OS core and bomb the whole machine, the way it
> will
> > with one in ten odds on M$ 'doze. You won't get that annoying "This
> program
> > has performed an illegal operation..." dialog either; the windows will
> just
> > disappear out from under you, and you'll find in the console or in
> > .xsession-errors the explanation of what happened. :-)
> |
Linux Cat

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