> Thanks for that - I had a bit of a search around and found a very helpful site
> at http://www.linuxnewbie.org which has a section on how to get the SB Live!
> working with Linux. I'm at work at the moment, but I've sent the necessary files
> to myself back at home, where I'll no doubt be having fun tonight recompiling my
> kernel to enable SMP support and getting my soundcard to work! :)
> Thanke fot the info - I've bookmarked it for reference if these instructions
> don't help.....
> Steve Flynn
> IBM MVS Operations Analyst


I believe that Mr. Martin's site has info for 6.0 and not 6.1.  ALSA  (
http://www.alsa-project.org/ ) appears to have a driver for the SB Live and I'm
certain I still have the copy I d/l from creative labs before they quit posting it
(at least I couldn't find it).  If you like drop me a line privately and I'll send
it to you.

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Linux is like a wigwam...
No windows, no gates.
Apache inside

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