"ChOPpY C. Chipper" wrote:
> well, anyway, my problem is that I don't have any idea on how to do nearly
> anything,

> So my 1st task, is to try out the PPP dial-up, so I run KPPP  from the KDE
> desktop.  when I hit connect it says "modem is busy".  How do I go about
> fixing this is my question, 
> Thanks,
> Julien Dumoulin-Smith

Make sure you've got the right settings in the kppp setup. Your modem should
probably be on ttys0, ttys1, ttys2 or ttys3 (these correspond to com1, 2, 3, & 4
Windoze). My Mdk version (6.1) came with the default on "modem" - which is not
correct. Also, I had to change the default flow control setting from crtscts to
xon/xoff. Then it worked perfectly.

Regarding your other questions, I'm sorry but I don't have the answers.

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