Well two things, when are you getting this error? During the install?

And on the other note, i am running 7.0.2 air! on a 133 mhz intel pent w/
48mb ram and i gotta say it runs so very smothly ( as i run netscape mail /
nav / dl a nice long file and use a xxms at the same time without
skipping... and gnome Icu.. oh yea im in gnome ; ) )


Walter C Lucas wrote:

> Hello I am attempting to instal Linux mandrake onto a 486DX 100mghz. I
> low level formatted both brains(c and D) and everything started out fine.
> On little light number three, i got an error message that it can't open
> /proc/bus/pci/devices. Now this computer had win3.1, win 95, and i even
> had win 98 on it(though slow). what can I do. This was a download linux
> Maandrake from one of my computer literate coworkers. I however am a
> NEWBIE to it all.Any suggestions will be appreciated.
> Thanks Luke
> On Fri, 11 Feb 2000 16:06:22 -0800 John Montgomery
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > At 10:10 PM 2/11/00 GMT, you wrote:
> > >you cant run 7.0 well on a 486, it's made for pentiums, and I hear
> > you need
> > >at least a 233 for it to run somewhat ok!
> > >Jim Garner
> >
> > Well, it depends on your needs. I have 6.0 on a P90 with 32 Mb and
> > it does
> > just fine as long as you stick to a Window Manager and stay away
> > from KDE
> > or Gnome.
> > Personally I can't see why anyone who is a refugee from MS would
> > want to
> > use KDE anyway. My problem with Win 95 was the arbitrary way in
> > which you
> > had to work. In many ways (not all) I find that KDE is even more
> > arbitrary.
> > Gnome seems much more flexible. As far as crashes in Win 95 goes I
> > think
> > KDE ties up about as much.
> >
> > The great joy of Linux is all of the stuff which you can do without
> > the
> > pretty little pictures.
> >
> > Try the command line - you may never leave it.
> >
> > I too think that a single user version is necessary if Linux is to
> > become a
> > household name.
> >
> > John Montgomery
> >
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