Joerg Reinhardt wrote:
> Since I reinstalled (LM 6.5 on an PI-75mHz, 40M-Ram) the thing is flying (as
> good as scrap can), but there is no "make" command or compiler ( egc++, or
> something simmylar I searched for in /usr/bin, correct place to search for,
> wasn't it?)
> I obviously missed to install the compilers!
> In the main installation where you can choose, wich packets are supposed to
> be Installed, there is no packet called "compilers" in explict, so wich one I
> have to install, to be able, to download and compile files from the net?
> Joerg

As I understand from the people on this list, Mdk 6.5 is the same as 6.1. My Mdk
6.1 uses the gcc compiler, which is called pgcc on the installation disk. So,
look on your installation cd for the rpm packages called pgcc, pgcc-c+, pgcc...
I believe installing these will get you the make command.

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