Perhaps inetd is not running (I believe it doesn't start at boot time when you
set the security to medium or high). Check if it's running:  

/etc/rc.d/init.d/inetd status

If it says it's not running, add it to your system V init scripts (using the
SysV init editor found in your start menu under "'system" I believe).

ps: it might be nice if you read some info on the System V init script workings
before you start meddling with it.

On Feb 28 Villaitodo, Daniel wrote:

> I've installed Mandrake & when I try to telnet this machine over the LAN
> the host refuse the connection. The host respond to ping, the service
> telnet is in the /etc/inetd.conf & all the other tcp services are
> running OK. What can I try?
> Thanks for you time


Rial Juan                  <>
                e-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Belgium            tel:              (++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator <>
Unix IS user-friendly. It's just not ignorant-friendly
or idiot-friendly.


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