Hello, i will try to help you. I think the main problem is on the hard 
disk partition, may be you have made a wrong type of partition.
For example the best way to check it is with the fdisk utility that you 
must have with your MSDOS (for example). First you have to check 
if the partition in which you are going to install linux is a primary 
partition, otherwise you can't install it on an extended one. But in my 
opinion, the best way to install it, is to take a hard disk with only one 
(1) primary Dos partition on it with for example the windows system 
installed on it. Then when you run the installation program of 
Mandrake 7.0 (for example) you can add to the rest of the empty 
hard disk the others/other partitions/partitions and setup all the 
mount points on them, including the swap partition. I prefer to create 
the following: / , /usr, /home , /swap but it is not necesary to 
separate and in this moment (not before the installation). If you wan't 
 you can chosse only the root and the swap one in order to be 
simple. All this procedure is be factible to make with the "Druid" 
program, that you can choose in the begining of the Mandrake 7.0 
I expect the best for you

From:                   ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Mon, 28 Feb 2000 21:23:10 -0900
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                [newbie] Install failure for LM 6.5

> I'm trying to install LM 6.5 on a machine with abt 9GB hd,  4GB partitioned
> with PM 5 for Linux with swap partition created.   It fails to install
> everytime I try.
> It's almost immediately during the install process.  I setup the partitions,
> put in the CD, and reboot the system.  My CD is set to automatically
> interrupt the bootup process (primary drive), so it immediately goes to the
> install screen.  Regardless as to whether I choose expert or regular
> install, it proceeds normally.  First, it asks the standard "what are you
> using" questions: language, keyboard layout, etc.  Asks for the Install vs.
> Upgrade question.  I choose install.  Asks if the data is on the CD or Hard
> Drive.  On the CD.  Asks if I have any SCSI adaptors.  No.  Says it will
> scan/setup the hard drive for installation, gives the option of using Disk
> Druid or Fdisk.  Both Disk Druid and Fdisk give the same response: no hard
> drive detected, check your hardware configuration.  I can get to the menu
> and setup everything else, but it won't detect the hard drive to complete
> the actual installation.  Have to <ctrl>-<alt>-<delete> to get out & eject
> the disk.
> Any thoughts out there?
> Thanks in advance...
> Ken in Alaska

Emilio Correa
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