I wouldn't dare install W98 on my P133/64M, but under LM6.1 it runs very
well.  Netscape has not crashed my box (imagine that) even w/ 30+
Navigator/mail/composer windows open!  I havn't had the time to get TOO
brave w/ Linux (been using it for email mostly), but sometime I'll get
my new kernel in place (for the heck of it really, just to do it,
2.2.13-7mdk seems to be doing fine as is).  When people ask me about
Linux I tell them it's a completely different animal from Windoze as far
as installing software, but that once you get things in place, THEY STAY
IN PLACE!  There's no crazy computer trolls that come in and change my
configuration around and fragment my HDD in the wee hours of the AM.  Of
course, I still use the W98se box to play Tomb Raider and to show my Mom
how do what she needs to do.  I really hope there's not the sort of rush
for Win'00 as there was for '98.  Folks that would just be sad.  I don't
think W2k is on the shelf around here yet, but I havn't looked either
:~}  CUZ I DON'T CARE!  
Just my $.02 on the subject...  Later

Necrotica wrote:
> I just have to share this with someone. Ya know, the more I learn about Linux
> Mandrake the more I love it!!
> Up until this weekend I ran a dual boot system of Windows 98SE and LM7. I'm an
> IT professional, and since I need to get certified in it, I decided to blow
> away my 98 partition and install 2000. What a mistake that was.
> First, I have to say, if Win2K is Microsoft's best attempt at a stable OS then
> they need to stop smoking crack. That is the WORST operating system I have ever
> used, couldn't use my CD burner, and it kept on randomly hanging on me. It
> truly is pathetic.
> Personal obervations aside, I do need to run a Microsoft operating system. So I
> killed 2000 and reinstalled 98 tonight. As suspected, it wrote over LILO and
> couldn't boot into Linux afterwards. Luckily I created a Linux boot disk,
> thinking that would easily solve the problem....
> ....Nope. I learned while installing Linux the first time that there is a
> conflict between my video card and my HDD controller. Thus, without a special
> vga boot parameter I get a kernel panic saying it can't mount my root drive.
> Adding the parameter vga=0x0301 works flawlessly.
> Unfortunately this parameter does NOT work with the boot disk I created. When I
> try to use the vga parameter it tells me "valid vga options are ask, enhanced,
> or a decimal number." I converted 0x0301 to decimal - no go. Tried all sorts of
> options...still nothing worked. I was one step away from thinking that I would
> have to reinstall from scratch when I tossed in my CD and did an upgrade.
> Lo and behold, that upgrade process is the SMARTEST thing I have ever seen. It
> checked my existing rpm database, found that I had everything already
> installed, kept my entire configuration, allowed me to put LILO back on, and
> voila! I'm back in Linux 5 minutes later and I couldn't even tell that it did
> anything.
> Brilliance! Pure brilliance! From a technical standpoint thats very well
> thought out. Anyone feel brave enough to try the same thing with NT or 2000?
> Its nice to be /home again.
> -Necro

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