Russell Simmons wrote:
> i have a dual boot box (windoze 98/lm 6.0) on a 5.1 gig wd hd...when i
> partitioned the drive i gave 4 gigs to windoz, (c), and i gig to use for
> linux, (d), (hda1=windoz, hda2=linux swap, hda3=/, hda4=/home)...i used
> linux fdisk to partition the 1 gig...a friend of mine went to linux
> world expo, and broght me back a copy of 7.0, compliments of
> nylug...while checking out the tutorial on the mandrake site, it appears
> that i could resize my 4 gig windoze partition, without wiping out c,
> and give more space for linux, using c and this true? will 7.0
> resize a fat32 native windoz partition without out data lose?...
> tia
> russell
I have used it several times. Remember to defrag the windows drive
before attempting this. Also backup any data you wish to have. If not
properly defragged it is possible to destroy the Win partition's data.
On my latest I have windows running in a 1.5 gig partition, more for
importing files from a CrossPad than anything else, so I don't need much

James Mellema, CRNA MA
Linux User# 71650
ICQ# 19685870

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