I used Partition Magic to resize the Windows partitions,and  created a
primary Linux native partition for Mandrake before installing.
I'm running Win98/Win2000/Mandrake.
Also I didn't install LILO,but just use a boot disk to boot to Mandrake.

Hope this helps. Good Luck
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 6:09 AM
Subject: [newbie] Re: 7.0 partioning ?

> If i doesn't, I've used Partition Magic for windoze with _great_ success.
> -David
> >i'm reposting this question, as no one has answered it...can anyone tel
> >if this is possible?...
> >
> >Russell Simmons wrote:
> >
> >>  i have a dual boot box (windoze 98/lm 6.0) on a 5.1 gig wd hd...when i
> >>  partitioned the drive i gave 4 gigs to windoz, (c), and i gig to use
> >>  linux, (d), (hda1=windoz, hda2=linux swap, hda3=/, hda4=/home)...i
> >>  linux fdisk to partition the 1 gig...a friend of mine went to linux
> >>  world expo, and broght me back a copy of 7.0, compliments of
> >>  nylug...while checking out the tutorial on the mandrake site, it
> >>  that i could resize my 4 gig windoze partition, without wiping out c,
> >>  and give more space for linux, using c and d...is this true? will 7.0
> >>  resize a fat32 native windoz partition without out data lose?...
> >>
> >>  tia
> >>  russell
> --

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