mike wrote:
> Please would someone help with a problem I have with lilo. I have read as much
> as I can find on the subject but to no avail.
> I have a 17gig HD with Win98 and a 4gig HD with Mandrake 7.0, the problem is
> that when I start my PC it gets to the stage where lilo should appear but all
> that appears is L0101010101010101010101010101........forever.
> I have to use a floppy to start the machine which is bit of a pain, is there a
> solution for the problem??
> I removed both the os's from the system and reinstalled both but each time the
> same happens.
> thanks in advance
> Mike

Try running "/sbin/lilo" as root, without the quotes. That should
rebuild the lilo command so it will recognize both systems. Installing
Win9x or Win2k will write over the MBR and effectively corrupt the
settings there.
James Mellema, CRNA MA
Linux User # 71650
ICQ # 19685870

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