Dear friends:

I just installed Mandrake 7.0 by FTP a few days ago to test it out. I
have heard from our gurus that it still has a lot of bugs in it. I take
their word for it. Let's hope 7.1 fixes these bugs. 

However, I must say that I am startled, astonished by the fabulous new
features in Mandrake 7.0 and by the tremendous work the Mandrake team
must have put into it. 

The new all-graphical installation program is an absolute delight. I am
not only referring to its functionality (the addition, e.g. of a
Customized install with Normal, Development and Server options in
addition to the Recommended and Expert installation classes). I am
referring to the AESTHETIC beauty of every part of the design. All else
being equal, the user has a right to expect beauty as well as
reliability from Linux. No matter how great Linux is, if it cannot also
be graceful to the eye and beautiful to behold, then, in my opinion, it
will never beat Windows. We are not just machines. We are also creates
with aesthetic sense. Mandrake 6.1 was already a major step forward in
that direction. Mandrake 7.0 is positively breathtakingly beautiful in
every department: installation, desktop, themes, and, finally, the
astonishing new DrakConf, the all-graphical Drake Configuration tool,
which handles every major (and many minor) configurations graphically
and with outstanding functionality and sense of beautity and grace.

My (blue) hat is off to Mandrake 7.0!

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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