Partitioning is "irreversible" from the moment the partition table gets written
to disk. Don't know exactly when this is in the MDK-install. For example: as
root you can start fdisk, and start deleting and creating partitions. But if you
don't actually write it to disk before you quit fdisk, nothing will change.

And not even that is really true... Partitioning _is_ still reversible, as long
as you haven't formatted your partitions. Just delete all partitions, and
re-create the original ones (of course, you need to know exactly where their
start and endsectors were on your disk). This is because when you repartition,
only the MBR gets overwritten, but the data doesn't. so if you can get the MBR
back to its original state, you can still salvage your old partitions (providing
you haven't formatted the newly created partitions). This already saved many
gigs of Data in our local network ;)

On Feb 18 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dear friends:
> Using Mandrake 7.0.
> Documentation for partitioning says that "partitioning is irreversible".
> Question: Exactly when is it irreversible:
> 1) After you have created the partitions with the mount point, size,
> etc., 
> or
> 2) After you click on the "Done" button at the bottom of the
> partitioning screen
> or
> 3) Only after actually formatting the partitions, which appears on the
> next screen?
> Since this is such a critical point during the installation, it might be
> a good idea to clarify this in the documentation to us lay people.
> Thank you.
> Benjamin


Rial Juan                  <>
                e-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Belgium            tel:              (++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator <>

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