AFAIK the K6 family of processors support the full pentium 
instruction set so there should be no problems running Mandy
on it.
However if Mandrake can use MMX instructions you wont get
that boost, but if it can use AMD's 3d Now you will get that.

Perhaps one of the "staff" could enlighten us about MMX and 3D Now?

Michael Perry.
R&D. Dep. Netafim Magal.
<<<<Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack>>>>

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tue 22 February 2000 17:15
> Subject:      [newbie] Mandrake and Different CPUs
> James Mellema wrote:
> > I think it unlikely that your install will succeed. Mandrake is
> > optimized for pentium class CPUs, and will not perform adequately on a
> > 486. My experience has been that in most cases Mandrale will not
> > install, and if it does performance is dismal with many problems.
> The above was in response to an inquiry, but it makes me wonder if
> Mandrake is the best distro for my AMD K6-2/400. I don't know much about
> CPUs, so I don't know if my AMD is "pentium class" or not.
> -- 
> Lane
> ----
> Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
> ----
> Getting where I want to be with Linux...

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