You will find that the problem is an irq problem,   look at the /proc/interrupts

if you have 'windows' 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hate that word' find out the irq for this card
then in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts use the exclude command to force your card to use the correct irq number

ie:  if your card needs irq 7   and you had irq's 5,7,8,3 left for the system to give out type

exclude irq 5
exclude irq 8
exclude irq 3

not the best example as the sound card will normally use 5,  but I hope that you get the picture.

do cardctl ident,  cardctl config,   this will show you if the card is recognized by the system as the card or just a pcmcia 'card' ready  if it doesn't show your card then you need to re compile a new driver and hack the /etc/pcmcia/config file. -  I hope for your sake its the latter.

Please also remember that after excluding the irq's its always best to reboot..    had some problems stoping and starting pcmcia so I would suggest doing the reboot,  also remember that if you haven't entered static ip information for the card into netcfg or linuxconf then on exectuting ie: ifconfig eth0 up,  this will automatically start the dhcpcd,  or pump ,  demons...   if this works then....

You have exercised the demons,  the house is safe for return....  (sorry too much coffee)...  :-)


Many Thanks
Lee Williams                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IP Phone: +33 (0)1 58 04 5202                   VDT Technical Lead
Mobile:   +33 (0)6 89 10 8140                   EMEA SPECIAL PROJECTS
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                        Linux is like a wigwam...
                        No windows, no gates.
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