Hi everyone:

I got a PII 350 with a video card Intel expres 3D i740 (monitor LG
StudioWorks 520Si 15") and a network card Etherlink III ISA.
I had installed Mandrake 6.1 and everything was fine. It recognize the
network card and after install Xfree86 3.3.5 I had 1024x768 and 32 bits
of colour.

I was very happy with my Mandrake 6.1

Now I have Mandrake 7.0  (Air) [I downloaded the ISO image, and burned
it to a CD with Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4.0 Deluxe]

After this I upgrade my computer from 6.1 to Air( it comes with Xfree86
The installation is very beautifull, graphical,.... but when i arrive to
the configuration of the X server itīs start to get wrong.

The installation detect Intel i740 (generic). Well, no the resolution.
Itīs give me 32 bits and 640x480. If I choose 1024x768 the next screen
is black.

Finally I select this. After installation I tried to install Xfree 86
3.3.5 with XSVA but doesnīt go well, so with Mandra 7.0 I have no so
much resolution that with Mandra 6.1 and Xfree 3.3.5.

After all, I choose other option. Start from the beginning. I start a
installation of Air, on a free disk. 

a)      I choose the mount points (/, the partion of Windows)
b)      It seem detect my network card 
c)      It detect my video card

        and at the end I reboot the machine.

        After reboot starts the problems:

        a )It doesnīt create the mount points (On Mandra 6.1 it creates
automatically) and I must create after the installation.
        b) It doesnīt configure the network card. After the installation
I must execute Kernelcfg and netcfg for configurate the network card.
d)      The X Server only executate with 640X480, other combination
makes the screen turn black.

For this reasons I think that on installation is better Mandrake 6.1
than Mandrake 7.0.

If someone had similar problem as me (with the nasty Intel i740) or has
an answer for me on this points (a) , b) and c)) Iīll be very gratefull.



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