El dom, 30 ene 2000, escribiste:
> Heyla, All!
> Then I tried using ftp, but I'm not certain of the
> syntax. The nine or so books that I tried looking into
> told me how easy it was to download files from ftp
> sites on the 'Net, but failed to give me detailed
> instructions. Either that, or I should have been to
> bed hours ago, because I'm not seeing straight.

ftp to the server, when asked to login, write 'anonymous'. When asked for
password, use your e-mail address as '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.
Then use the unix commands 'ls' and 'cd' to see and go to the directory of your
choice. Type 'bin' to download files other than text files, and use 'get
filename.tgz' to get the file filename.tgz.

That's all, or you can use any other ftp program like nftp, ncftp, etc...
Saludos desde Sevilla
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