Find another pc and create a win98 boot disk and copy a copy files onto it
also, you probably already know this but I'll state it for those who may not
know. Create a boot disk for the appropriate OS, copy some additional files
such as, qbasic.exe, fdisk.exe, format.exe, and so forth, insert
and attempt to boot, fdisk  to verify partition is intact, reboot and try to
start windows from the boot disk, you'll have to create an autoexec.bat and
a config.sys, but this is rather simple, add a few lines such as path,
mscdex..etc and see if you can boot to windows, then go into boot magic or
whatever boot loader you are using and disable it so you can only boot to
windows, then do a good backup and reinstall windows and other services to
help have a dual boot system.....hope this helped....Tony

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