>Marc....What version of windows are you running?  How is your

Windows 98

>bios set for booting, scsi or IDE?  Dual booting from both scsi
>& IDE drives may not work well, or at all, on some systems.  How
>was the bios set before you dedicated space on your IDE drives
>to Linux?

no idea. All worked fine until this morning, when I udated from Mandrake 
6.1 to 7.0 !!  Maybe because I chose "server" installation...?!

>   Do you have access to a full copy of Partition Magic
>(4.0 or 5.0)?

yes, full version, but 3.0 I think !

>  If so, one of the things I suspect might be wrong
>on your system is the the bootable status of your bootable
>windows partition may have inadvertantly gotten toggeled off.
>I've never changed that, except with PM, so if you can, try it,
>and read the docs for PM too, the info there is invaluable.

yes, but HOW can I access partition Magic or Boot magic when I cannot boot 
to windows????


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