On Tue, 07 Mar 2000, Lothar Mandrake wrote:
Well, you can also add a new drive and link the directories to that drive.
do a "man ln" to get the directions.

> Thank you Emilio.  Some people claim that third-party software ends up 
> in /opt however, and if I don't make a separate partition for /opt I guess 
> that is created under /.  If / is too small this may cause it to be full 
> rather quickly, while /usr remains comparatively empty.  Of course, if this 
> is not true your advice makes a lot of sense.  I would just like to see some 
> numbes on how many megabytes are installed in the different partitions in an 
> average installation with a modest addition of third-party software, so that 
> I know what to expect.  Thank you again.                      /Ian
> >From: "Emilio Correa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Hi, I will tell you how I create my partitions and thats ok for me:
> >My main partition (hda) has about 3 GB, and then in the installation I
> >created:
> >/ (500 MB)  (here is important to give space for /temp )
> >/usr (2 GB)
> >/swap (128 MB)  (depending of your RAM memory)
> >/local (370 MB)   (personal files of users)
> >
> >I read that all the soft you will install should be in /usr/local
> >You can change the size of any partition with "Partition Magic"
> >without reinstalling all!!!!! (I could do it ) If you can't shout me.
> >good luck
> >
>      I assume that "partition magic" is a Windows application?  I don't know 
> anything about windows.  I got my PC just to run Linux on it.  It sounds 
> like a good program though.  Perhaps I should try to get hold of it.
> >Emilio Correa
> >www.tuayuda.com.ar
> >(Informática/Listas de Correo)
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