"<-- XE -->" wrote:
> I  have S3 Savage3D video card. XFree86 3.3.5 only detect that card as
> supervga  card  with  only 16 colors.
> Will  XFree86  3.3.6  in  Mandrake 7 detect my card as a true supervga
> card with 64k colors..??
> TIA..
> .....
> <-- XE -->

  You bet! I have the same video card. I downloaded Mandrake 7.0, was
suitably impressed with the new installation setup, and was tickled to
death to find that the latest XFree86 now recognizes that card, and I've
got gobs of colors and multiple resolutions to play with.
Larry Varney
Cold Spring, KY
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