
> 2.  Also trying to get my Epson 600 printer and Iomega 250 zip drive to
> work...went to their sites and didn't see like a Linux driver for them...I
> though that is probably what they would need...am I right here?

Try http://lcewww.et.tudelft.nl/~haver/linux/epson.html
The site is a printer driver database where you'll find the 600 driver.

Not 100% sure about your zip drive. There is a zip HOW-TO that can get you
started on this. Seems like it's a little outdated, but it will direct you to
web sites that can help.

BTW, I'm finding that you can't search the "outside world" for stuff related to
linux. The best way to find resources, drivers, software, etc. is to use linux
web sites. It's a lot easier and faster (and you find a lot more stuff).


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