Hey everyone,
    I'm having a really strange problem with my hard drive right now. I'm trying to resize my Windoze partition so that I can get Mandrake 7.02 installed on my new box.. I need to get my Windoze partition smaller, but the only way any of the things to partition I've tried to get it partitioned is to erase the partition and then repartition it over. I know there is some time of error here as I have setup Linux systems of my own. In fact, my old box is now running a server in Linux. Anyone think they can help me out? Oh yeah, one thing I was thinking it was was this 'Gateway Go-Back' thing which kept backups of everything, but I disabled that an uninstalled it and it's still not working. Oh yeah, one last thing, I've tried partitioning with the included software during install, plus I've tried Partition Magic 3.0... =P
-Kyle "Orange" Spahn
Freespace 2 Coordinator
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