On Wed, 8 Mar 2000, Victor Richardson wrote:

:~>Hi Denis, I set up a server for our office of 15 clients using Mandrake 7.0,

:~>I currently have it set with:
:~>/boot   - 20   megs
:~>/tmp    - 200 megs
:~>/var     - 200 megs
:~>/          - 500 megs
:~>/usr     - 1,500 megs
:~>/home - 6,200 megs
:~>swap  - 257 megs

Sounds reasonable big to me. Yust wait and see, but I really doubt there
will be need for more than 200M of /tmp or /var on such a machine.  

/ is probably even too big. In case you install a lot of stuff to /opt
later and run out of space on /, just move the /opt to /home/opt and make
a symlink /home/opt -> /opt

:~>2) Should I make a /usr/local or /opt partition for software added later?

not really. Link to /home/opt is more than adequate. Having
/home /usr/local and /opt on separate partitions (just /home partitions + 
links /opt -> /home/opt && /usr/local /home/local is OK) than / and /usr
gives you nice possibility to wipe up the system later, withouth using the
add-ons you made. Since that can be done at any time, there is no need to
change anything in your setup now

:~>3) What command will allow me to see how full / or any other partition is
:~>after my install?


also try "man du", can be usefull sometimes. Like "du -s /usr/local" or 
du -s /home/*.

Mag^H^H^HDr. Denis Havlik  <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Austria                (@ @)       tel: (++431) 4277/51179         

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