Art Richardson wrote:
> You know you hear so much of the fact that if you have problems with Linux
> that there is a large group of people who are willing to help.

I'm a newbie, too, and I don't have any answers for your specific
questions. But I do have a suggestion for getting more and better
responses: more and better Subjects. This is a high-volume list, and I
have to scan for Subjects of interest, either those that have a problem
I can solve or have a solution I can use.

I don't have time to read all the "Help!", "Mandrake 7", and blank
Subjects to see if there's anything there for me.

In your message you raised three separate questions. They would be
better posted as three messages with specific Subjects.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
Using Linux to get where I want to go...

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