Wayne....if you cd /home that's where you will go.  Any user
account you add to the system (as root) will have their home
directory created as a subdirectory in that /home directory and
that is where your unprivileged user account is (if you have
one).  Root's home directory is not in the /home directory
though, it is in /root (not actually in /root as it IS /root). 
So if you have an unprivileged user account and there are no
other user accounts then yes, /home is all yours.  I hope that
answered the question.


Wayne wrote:
> I have a question regarding my hard disks.  After some trouble trying to cfdisk
> my HD this morning, Linux wouldn't work and I had to reinstall it.  It has
> picked up the hard disk I partitioned to give me 3 gig of space to use for
> personal files etc and has mounted it is /home.  Does this mean when ever I do
> a cd /home this is where it takes me?  If not, how do I access this disk to
> store files on and install programs on it etc?  If this is the case, is my
> entire home directory on this 3 gig disk and is it mine to do with as I please?
> Wayne

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