Dude, what are all those little &nbsp thingies in your e mail?

On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Wayne Petherick mewed:
> <html>
> <font size=3>Alan,<br>
> thanks for the tip.&nbsp; I guess that is what another subscriber was
> referring to as allocating X MB for /home, X MB for /usr etc etc...I
> didn't know you could do that with Linux.<br>
> <br>
> Also, whilst I have the soapbox, I would just like to say there has been
> some flaming going on about people asking questions that might be
> provided in the documentation.&nbsp; Some of the docs with Linux are
> obscure and written by Linux gurus and therefore hard to read and
> understand for us &quot;newbies&quot;.&nbsp; I am a one time computer
> tech from Dos/Windows days and still have trouble understanding much
> Linux stuff.&nbsp; I have been using it full time for over a week now and
> have come to appreciate the power and versatility of the OS and will make
> a total migration to it for everything but games (for obvious
> reasons).&nbsp; I love it, it works well , and on the odd occasion it
> does hang, just type xkill and away you go.&nbsp; Not like
> Wind'ohs..&nbsp; <br>
> Any more advanced users out there, just tolerate my spupidity and other
> stupidity like it for a while and eventually we will be teaching the new
> users to the list what you have taught us.<br>
> <br>
> Alan,<br>
> thanks again so much for the tip.&nbsp; It answered my Q exactly.<br>
> <br>
> Wayne<br>
> <br>
> </font>
> <BR>
> </html>

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