Got mine running, but with a few probs too. The soundcard worked out of the box,
but broke down after a kernel recompile. In the kernel-source tree
(/usr/src/linux) I noticed a subdir called "emu10k1". Tried to recompile that
and reinstall, no go.

So I just downloaded a standard kernel from, and compiled that one
(read the kernel-HOWTO if that sounds like chinese to you), and then compiled
and installed the creative labs driver I downloaded from the web. It now works
like a charm.

Broke automount though, since automount needs a patch applied to the kernel, and
I never bothered to look for it on the net. I'm used to mount my stuff manually
for more than a year with redhat, so automount is not really much of an issue to
me. Perhaps more stuff is broken, but my system works without problems, so

On Mar 14 Brian Sieradzki wrote:

> I just installed Mandrake 7.02.  After a lot of
> effort, everything works except my sound card.  When I
> boot up it says "Can not locate module sound."  When I
> run /usr/sbin/sndconfig it detects my SB Live but then
> says "Module used for your sound card emu10k1.0 is not
> in your module search path.  Please verify that your
> kernel modules are configured correctly."  I've tried
> using the RPM that Dell has, but that failed.  I then
> tried downloading the driver from Creative Labs.  That
> didn't work either.  Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Brian Sieradzki
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Rial Juan                        <>
                e-mail:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Belgium            tel:                    (++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator       <>

The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...


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