That would not be an AMD 5x86 133 would it?

I have one of those in another box.  Here's the deal

This is the fastest 486 chip (That I know of) that was ever made.

Your system bus speed is 33mhz but the chip itself is running 133mhz.

The name is a bit of "slight of hand" from AMD.  It was put out when Pentiums
were first coming out.  To the uninformed it would look like 586 (Meaning
Pentium).  So if this is your chip, no you can't run mandrake.  And no, you
can't just "Stick a new chip in" either.  To use Mandrake you will need a
whole new system, (Or at least a new motherboard to go with the new
processor).  Don't throw this thing away though, it will make a great

I love my old 486 because:

The one that I  hand built and a Compaq Deskpro 2000 sitting side by side.

Deskpro (Compaq's "Business Solution") =

Pentium 200
64 meg ram
2.1gig Western Dig HD

Homebrew =
AMD 5x86 133  (A 486)
64 meg

Both running Windows NT Server 4.0 with same services running, the 486 was
faster in everything but drawing the opengl screensaver.

Had I upgraded the graphics card it probably would have kicked butt there too.

X-Mailer wrote:

> I have mandrake 6.1 installed, on an AMD 133 mhz, and everytime I try to
> install any rpm from the mandrake CD, with an i586 extention, it says that
> the package is for a different architecture.
> Any ideas what I can do?
> (i386 files install fine)

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