But don't let that discourage you from linux too much, I think RedHat or
others will work fine.  Just remember it's not really a pentium, and you
can't do everything a pentium will.

(anyone remember the 386sx?)

Jon Hunter wrote:
> That would not be an AMD 5x86 133 would it?
> I have one of those in another box.  Here's the deal
> This is the fastest 486 chip (That I know of) that was ever made.
> Your system bus speed is 33mhz but the chip itself is running 133mhz.
> The name is a bit of "slight of hand" from AMD.  It was put out when Pentiums
> were first coming out.  To the uninformed it would look like 586 (Meaning
> Pentium).  So if this is your chip, no you can't run mandrake.  And no, you
> can't just "Stick a new chip in" either.  To use Mandrake you will need a
> whole new system, (Or at least a new motherboard to go with the new
> processor).  Don't throw this thing away though, it will make a great
> fileserver!
> I love my old 486 because:
> The one that I  hand built and a Compaq Deskpro 2000 sitting side by side.
> Deskpro (Compaq's "Business Solution") =
> Pentium 200
> 64 meg ram
> 2.1gig Western Dig HD
> Homebrew =
> AMD 5x86 133  (A 486)
> 64 meg
> 1.08gig
> Both running Windows NT Server 4.0 with same services running, the 486 was
> faster in everything but drawing the opengl screensaver.
> Had I upgraded the graphics card it probably would have kicked butt there too.
> X-Mailer wrote:
> > I have mandrake 6.1 installed, on an AMD 133 mhz, and everytime I try to
> > install any rpm from the mandrake CD, with an i586 extention, it says that
> > the package is for a different architecture.
> > Any ideas what I can do?
> > (i386 files install fine)

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