Jeremy wrote:

> [jeremy@fdialup185 jeremy]$ Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
> Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
> kfm: cannot connect to X server :0
> AUDIT: Wed Mar 15 18:29:21 2000: 1709 X: client 17 rejected from local
> host
> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
> Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
> Error: Can't open display: :0
> AUDIT: Wed Mar 15 18:29:55 2000: 1709 X: client 17 rejected from local
> host
> [1]+  Stopped                 startx
> [jeremy@localhost jeremy]$ cat >>xerrorlog
>  ----------------------------------

I think I *finally* figured this out.  Here's my hypothesis:

Note my 2 different prompts with different machine names... the first
was from a konsole window and the 2nd was from the virtual console.  I
had my machine name automatically change when I log onto the 'net (via
kppp).  I log onto the net from a x session I start from "localhost",
but then the name changes to "fdialup185".  When I then try to open a
window my x server (presumably) sees the request is coming from
something other than localhost and basically says "get the hell out of
here, you can't use that!"  I then quit X, and restart it as fdialup85. 
It then expects requests from fdialup85 and subsequent requests to open
a window are granted.  

The thing is that I don't know (can't remember) if it always failed on
me right away or all the time....  I guess time will only tell if this
fixes it.  I'm interested in hearing any thoughts from anyone in the
meantime, like whether I am making any sense here or am just overtired.
;-) Does anyone else have their machine name change?

This still doesn't explain why kpanel died, or other little things in
kde like the viewing of archives... any ideas there?

Man, it's midnight already, I need to get up early, and I still haven't
ironed clothes for tommorrow.  


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