WINZIP can read tar files...
and they make tar for windoze also...
my $02

Audrey Beck wrote:

> "Michael D. Kirkpatrick" wrote:
> >
> > I have a 4 gig and a 27 gig hard drive on my web server.  Everything is
> > ran off of the 4 gig hard drive.  The 27 gig hard drive is basically for
> > storing daily backups (Up to 2 weeks worth).
> >
> > Is there a way to tell zip to treat all shortcuts (links) as only links,
> > not as files and directories?
> >
> > Example, when I go to zip a directory that has multiple links it adds
> > all the directories and files under the links as well.  This makes for a
> > rather large zip file since I can have 10-20 copies of directories and
> > files because of all the links I have.  I basically want to make mirror
> > copy of a directory structure in a zip file.  That way I can restore it
> > in a directory on my 27 gig hard drive and move the necessary
> > directories, sub directories, files, and links to the 4 gig hard drive
> > (thus restoring what was messed up or lost).
> >
> > When I am done, I will have a zip file for each directory on the root
> > level.  That way I only would have to restore what I need.  I need to be
> > able to restore all the links as links, not as actual files and
> > directories.
> >
> > If this is not possible with ZIP, could you possibly suggest a good free
> > utility that I can use to accomplish this.  I just want to use zip since
> > I can also open the file on a windows based machine upon need and also
> > for the space savings.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > Mike
> Don't know about zip, but you can do this with tar and tell it to
> compress so you get a smaller archive (you hope) than the actual data.
> Something like:
> cd /27gig/week1backupdir
> tar --same-owner -czvpf week1.gz /whateverdir /anotherdir /etc
> Check out info tar.  I don't remember if man tar has all the switches
> and what they do.  I believe p is the switch you want, but check the
> docs.

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