If you have ever used CuteFTP under Windoze gftp is similar and does resumes

Jeremy wrote:

> max wrote:
> >
> > i´m using a NT server with wingate for connecting to the web
> >
> > browsing http sites works perfect !!
> >
> > but wehn i click on an ftp link only the error message " the port u tryed
> > to access is vorbidden "
> >
> > what can i do ??????
> >
> > mfg max
> On all ftp sites or just one?  Try the same site addresses with ncftp or
> gnome's ftp to see if its netscape or the site or some NT setting (u
> maybe SOL there if you're not the admin).  I like ncftp better than
> netscape anyways because you can resume transfers when they die.
> Nothing like being 99% through a 20mb download and having it die on you.
> ~Jeremy

How about 99% of that new distro @ 650 meg? @ 14400bps  ;>

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