A few days ago I got a copy of the MacMillan version of Mandrake 7.0. I have
a couple of things to say about the new graphical installation.

First, generally, I'm not impressed. I actually found the old installation
method easier to use. The installation of packages seems to be a crapshoot.
I did 3 different installs because each time packages were left out. Each
time, the packages left out were different! Each installation was the same:
customized, development. One time, gcc was completely left out! Another,
kdevelop was omitted. Why would this be happening??

Second, at no time during the installation was I able to get X configured
properly. Each time, I had to quit the configuration of X. It would try to
test it and then hang. I would have to CTRL-ALT-BKSPCE to get out of it and
complete the installation. Once the installation was completed, I would then
use XF86Setup to configure X. XF86Setup worked like a champ. It was, and
still is, my favorite method for configuring X.

Third (not really part of the graphical installation but what the heck), I
tried using Lothar to configure sound but it showed a message saying
something like the PnP device is not identified. But then it said something
like the PnP device identifier is CS4235. Anyway, I used sndconfig to
configure it properly. Once again the older method succeeded where the new
one didn't.

Anyway, that's my .02.

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest thing to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

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