_-+Richard Kim=-_ wrote:

> root wrote:
> > Ive been sending this sevral times but plz answer me, I need to configre apache
> > someway, any kind of advise would help
> > Ok, lets get to my point...Ive installed mandrake linux like a month ago
> > but after I got used to it I started using its server, apache...I typed > httpd but
> when
> > I typed "ps -ef" the two apache processes (nobody
> > <--PID)it says [httpd <defunct>] 5 times and I tried
> > and I tryed apachectl restart and /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start but it didnt > work
> just did the same thing (it started fine but just says [httpd > <defunct>]] again on 
> ps -ef and localhost doesnt work eighther

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