bryan pryor wrote:
> I am having trouble setting up the modelines for my monitor for X.  It is a
> Likom Futura 17" monitor, and I have a Trident 975 AGP vid card.  Here are
> the specs.  If anybody can write the modelines from this, I'd really
> appreciate it.
> Vert. Refresh Rates:  50-100
> Horiz Sync Rates:     30-70
> Max Resolution:       1280x1024 @ 65 Hz
> 640 x 480 @ 110 Hz
> 800 x 600 @ 109 Hz
> 1024 x 768 @ 86 Hz
> I don't really know how to set up the mode lines, and XConfigurator and the
> other "automatic" programs don't produce an XF86Config file that works.
> thanks,
> b
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Your /etc/X11/XF86Config file probably has the right stuff in it, but
not using it.  Make a backup copy of your current file, then edit it and
remove all the mode lines that don't match what you want.  Also remove
the screen section that has the VGA driver (usually the first one) and
says it does double scan.  See if that helps.

There are programs on (I think it's net) to
make mode lines etc, but they run in X, so...  There is also a HOW-TO to
make your own, but it hurt me, X and my video card, so I figure it's not
something I should do or help anyone to do.

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