"Diego González" wrote:
> hi
> i decided to install mandrake like a month ago, so i used partition magic.
> in a few words, i had no trouble installing everything, so windows and linux
> worked just fine. but some days ago my installation of staroffice took all
> of my linux disk space, so i used to partition magic again to resize that
> partition. but after partition magic finished doing that, lilo messed up!!
> i reboot my pc, but i just got this:
> LI
> (the same lilo message, but incomplete)
> i could enter to linux using a rescue floppy, but i couldn't enter to
> windows.
> i decided to erase all the linux partitions and restore my hdd, but that
> didn't work either. i can enter to the dos prompt, but when i try to enter
> windows, i get something like this:
> cannot locate VFAT
> what should i do? i have to format my hdd? because i have some files i don't
> want to loose. or could i reinstall windows?
> please help me
> tks
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To get windows back boot with a Dos/win boot floppy that has fdisk on
it.  Then enter:

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