Michael Scottaline wrote:

> "Mike & Tracy Holt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <Big Snip>
> > p.s. yes, Star Office is nice in some ways, but I agree that it's annoying
> > features make it less desirable than some of the other options out there.
> ===============================
> Since the rap against it would seem to be "annoyances" as opposed to
> functionality, I guess it becomes a question of whether one wishes to part
> with US$99-$199 to rid oneself of the annoyances.  SO 5.x does typically take
> an awful long time to launch even on a PIII 450 w/192M of RAM.  It reminds me
> in a way of M$ Works in that it's not just a suite of separate apps, but a
> gigantic app w/numerous "parts".  Despite its admitted annoyances (like
> "bloat"), I'd have to say I rather like SO 5.x, though I enjoy using the beta
> of Applixware 5.0 also.  I guess I should try WordPerfect 2000 Suite when it's
> fully released ;o)
> Mike
> "Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
> than alcohol has taken out of me."
>         --Winston Churchill
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Oops!  I hope nobody was annoyed at my comment.  If you're on a limited budget, Star 
does just fine.  For that matter, abisuite (which comes with the Mandrake 7 distrib) 
seems to
be pretty decent, and if you want to pop over to www.linuxberg.com, you can find all 
the apps
you can think of - organized into neat sections.  There have been several instances 
I've spent a lot of money on something and then gone and downloaded some free or 
product that does the same thing, often better than the product I paid for.  However, 
are also times when the old saying holds true; "you get what you pay for...."

If you need to share files with other people, or even just email an attachment written 
your word processor that others will be reading, saving to some foreign file format or 
'rich text format' will render your hard worked on document either incorrectly 
formatted when
it's opened, or completely unreadable.

Michael Holt

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