Try using "soundconfig"  without the quotes.  I have an AMD K6-II 3D
Processor/w sound, modem and video built in to the MOBO.  Nothing works
to make the sound operational except this method.  It will tell you the
video is running but just click on the 'Yes' each time, I did and it
works fine.  This is run from within 'Konsole' or 'Xterm', or logout and
get to a 'root' access before the 'X' starts and run it there.


I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
But now I know that what I thought I knew
Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.

On Sun, 26 Mar 2000 03:35:41 +0200 Chadley Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello everyone
> I need help fast if possible. I have just built a clients machine 
> and
> chose a board with onboard sound,
> the "sound pro cmi8330 c3d audio adaptor".
> For some reason mdk7.2 dont want to speak to this chip, heres the 
> win
> config what can I do to fix this guy
> SB device
> i/o  0220--022f
> IRQ 5
> DMA 1
> DMA 5
> Joystick
> i/o 0200-0207
> mpu 401
> 0330-0331
> windows sound system
> i/o 0530-0537
> i/o 0388-038f
> IRQ 11
> DMA 0
> Lothar doesn't work but does detect it
> and sndconfig works but crackles the sound like an out of tune 
> radio.
> thanks in advance
> Chadley Wilson
> tel 012-333-2276

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