Heh, I know what you mean. I was so incredibly happy the day I got Real Player
to work (turned out the one I downloaded off of Real's site didnt' play nice
with Mandrake, and to download a different one), or the day I finally got a new
kernel to configure and compile. That's what i like about Linux, finding out
new things and playing around with them. 

> After having much frustration getting anything to run under linux....
> I D/Led Real Player from www.real.com,  simple instructions. Typed a
> couple of lines and BINGO!   IT WORKS!!!!
> Worked great last night...  However for some reason this morning it
> didn't want to work...
> A quick re-install and it works again.....  Wow...
> Last week I got the printer utility to work from clicking on the
> desktop...
> Little victories I know...   :-)
> Next week I install Word Perfect Office 2000 for linux......
> Shudder....  :-)
> MarkP
Anthony Huereca
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