Mark Afforde wrote:

> Hi,
> I have repeatedly installed Mandrake 6.1 onto my
> system with general success... choosing "customize,
> server". I found that the "server" class install was
> very limited in what it loaded. So I changed my
> installation approach to "expert, normal" with much
> greater success. Except for one thing, upon reboot I
> get "Missing Operating System". I can boot from the
> boot floppy and get exactly what you'd expect;
> Mandrake installed. I fugured I choose the wrong
> partitian when configuring LILO the first time so I
> tried again... infact several times. I have changed
> when I partition /boot (1st or 2nd before or after
> "/"), how I partitioned /boot (primary or extended), I
> checked /etc/lilo.conf for correctly defining where
> root and /boot are. and reran /sbin/lilo after making
> any changes. STILL "missing OS". How / where can I
> better diagnose this. THX!

Okay, let's see your lilo.conf file (suspicious).

It's easier to help you when we can see actual configuration data.


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