Anthony Huereca wrote:

> As we all know, X crashes every once in a while, causing us to have to kill
> it. However, I was wondering if there was a way to kill X without being root.
> The reason is that my brother had X crash on him, and you can't kill it while
> being a user, it says "Operation not premitted", and I don't want to give him
> the root password. So is there a way to kill X as a regular user? Or if there
> isn't, then what exactly would someone do to get back to a working GUI?
> --
> Anthony Huereca
> Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

A user can still do CTRL ALT backspace to get out of X.
If that doesn't work then CTRL ALT F1 - F6 to get to a console and CTRL ALT DEL
to reboot

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