Alright, I'm having some trouble getting my network card to run properly.

Here's my system specs:

Celeron 466
Dual booting win2k and mandrake 7.0
128mb RAM
3Com 3c905b Ethernet card

..the rest is pretty basic

Now linux has detected the card, and during some of the troubleshooting
process, it actually connected to the network and downloaded encryption
updates (!?), during the update/install process from the CD.  However, once
I reboot my machine after said update, it runs through the service-starting
process and when it gets to the initialization of the network card, eth0, it
fails...and the rest of the boot up process continues.  I log in as /root
using the KDE desktop, and go into the network configuration, to find that
DHCP is enabled (it's on a work LAN), the correct drivers are detected (in
this case the 3c59x drivers are used, as specified by 3Com).....everything
else is blank including IRQ, I/O, IP, subnet, etc.  I close that and apply
the changes and it still doesn't work.  So, I open Lothar, and it says that
the card is there (and detects it correctly), and also says that it is
already configured.  So, I open the system information utility (I forget
what it is called at the moment), and look at the IRQ's, only to find that
the card is NOT listed (??), nor is it listed in the I/O listing......and
yet I can open the PCI info, and the card is listed.....but the IRQ address
is DIFFERENT than the one listed in there a way to fix this?
Is that in fact the root of my problem?  If not, what do I need to do to get
this working?  Need more info?  Let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Please HELP!

Thanks in advance,
Travis Armstrong

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