You mean your a newbie to Windows????
If you took the time to read my reply, you will see it states "Make up your
minds..either it sucks and you want NOTHING to do with it...or quit bashing
So why are you saying that it sucks if it can do something Linux can't?
Simply put, use it if you have to... or quit bashing Windows.  Linux, as
stated(by many different people) many times in the past needs some catching up
to do, before I will nuke M$ proggies off my computer.  While Linux is alot
better than M$ in many is M$ better than Linux in gaming for
instance.  Each has it's strengths and weaknesses.   So why make a statement
like "WINDOWS SUCKS @$$!" and then proceed to ask how you can use it with your

"bryan pryor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yo Jaguar,
> If you would have read the email, you'd realize that I want to put windows 
> back on b/c Linux doesn't work with my modem. (and a couple of other 
> programs i have).  So first of all, b4 you criticize me, read the reasons 
> behind it and realize that this is the NEWBIE list.  I've been at this a 
> whole 3 weeks now.
> If Windows sucks @$$! so badly...why would you WANT to put is back
> on????????????????
> You and quite a few others are hypocrites...saying Windoze sucks, ad 
> nauseum,
> yet wanting to dual boot.  Make up your minds..either it sucks and you want
> NOTHING to do with it...or quit bashing Windows.
> my $0.02 worth
> Jaguar
> "bryan pryor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Let me just get this out of the way.  WINDOWS SUCKS @$$!  Ok, I feel 
> better
>  > now.  I'm trying to go with a dual boot win98/mandrake 7.0 system b/c i
>  > can't get my modem to work with linux and have run out of $$$.  Someone 
> said
>  > that it is possible to get my modem (modem blaster PCI) to work with 
> Linux,
>  > by setting it as a generic hayse compatible, but gave me no more info.
>  > Being new at this, i don't know how to do that.
>  >
>  > Back to my dual boot probs. I have read many emails on this list about 
> dual
>  > booting, and I'm trying to install Winblows first.  I put in the 98 CD,
>  > booted from it, and ran setup.  It said that It couldn't recognize the
>  > filesystem (or some other bull****), and to run fdisk.  so I ran DOS 
> fdisk,
>  > and it said that my 6.4 gig hard drive was a 473 MB drive.  So I 
> reinstalled
>  > Mandrake.  Install went perfectly, recognized my 6.4 GB hard drive, 
> etc...
>  > but still no modem.  So I uninstalled LILO with lilo -u at the bash 
> prompt,
>  > used Linux cfdisk, deleted all partitions, and put a 3 GB FAT32
>  > and a 3.4 GB Linux partition on.  Ran win98 setup, still doesn't like
>  > Ran DOS fdisk, and it says i have a 473 MB hard drive again.  By now, i 
> was
>  > so pissed off, i put mandrake back on and gave the whole hard drive to
>  > linux.  If you could give me any help, I would really appreciate it.  
> Please
>  > keep in mind that i'm a brand newbie, so keep the advice in english if
>  > possible.
>  >
>  > Thanks,
>  >
>  > Bryan
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